Scientific Publication

Biparametric prostate MRI: impact of a deep learning-based software and of quantitative ADC values on the inter-reader agreement of experienced and inexperienced readers


Stefano Cipollari, Martina Pecoraro, Alì Forookhi, Ludovica Laschena, Marco Bicchetti, Emanuele Messina, Sara Lucciola, Carlo Catalano & Valeria Panebianco

  • This study investigated the use of Quantib software on inter-reader agreement, diagnostic performance, and reporting times of biparametric MRI for experienced and inexperienced readers.
  • Their conclusion state that Quantib Prostate allows the radiologist to achieve slightly higher inter-reader agreement with mpMRI, compared to just interpreting bpMRI sequences, both in the case of experienced and inexperienced readers.