Enterprise Imaging
A centralized, multi-modality, vendor-neutral, AI-powered remote-acquisition platform that enables collaborative remote scanning across an imaging fleet within the radiology ecosystem, easily deployed through a self-service, cost-effective infrastructure.

Remote Scanning Technologists, who are certified and licensed, can remotely access imaging devices from
a computer via a secure software connection that streams video and audio, and provides access to
keyboard and mouse controls. This setup allows remote technologists to assist local in-suite assistants
or technologists in performing remote acquisitions. Local in-suite assistants maintain control through a
computer through a local in-suite assistance touch interface, granting and revoking remote access as
needed. Access is granted on-demand or ahead of time to access the scanner. The qualifications of both
remote scanning technologists and local in-suite assistants adhere to local regulations and clinical
practices of health systems.
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